carlisle training roofing

Quality Roofing Team Members Complete Carlisle Training

Several Quality Roofing team members recently underwent Carlisle Training, a comprehensive training program designed for professionals in the roofing industry who work with Carlisle SynTec Systems products. Carlisle SynTec Systems is a leading manufacturer of roofing materials, including single-ply roofing membranes, insulation, and accessories. The training program is offered by Carlisle…

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wausau wastewater treatment

Wastewater Treatment Plant Roofing Project

Quality Roofing recently completed work at the Wausau wastewater treatment plant complex. “This project was unique because it involved multiple building on the property,” said Lucas Kramer, Project Manager. “There were pump rooms, chemical rooms, digesters, and more unique structures – and each was a little bit different.” Some of the…

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library green roof eau claire

Library Green Roof in Eau Claire, Wisconsin

In addition to the 26,000 sf TPO roof Quality Roofing recently completed some “green roofs” at L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. The project featured 500 square feet of live plants, and paver patio on the 3rd floor level of the building. “It’s unique and different,” said Lucas…

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unique roof project

Unique Roof Design at Black River Falls Elementary School

Quality Roofing recently completed a roofing project in Black River Falls at Forrest Street Elementary School. The project was extensive, featuring wall panels, metal roofing, membrane, and a unique “patchwork” design. “Portions of this project were new and others were re-roofing,” said David Peters, project manager. “The end design features a…

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